Yapı Kredi Bank has been managing all digital contents and documents in FileNet P8 since 2000. As of 2014 more than 4 billion documents are managed at this system.
Projects that has been realised at YKB:
Garant Bank is the first bank in Turkey to create «Paperless Banking» operating environment and first bank in the world with ID scanning facilities in branches.
Garanti Bank uses more than 13.000+ scanners (Kodak i1220+Flatbed, Kodak i40T, Kodak i2400 and Kodak i2600+Flatbed) in all branches. In 2014 Garanti decided to invest in 9.000 more Kodak i2400 scanners to modernize its existing scanners.
All of the processes below are included to "paperless banking" environment.
Retail Banking Form Processing, Workflow and Archive System
Established in 1948, Akbank is now the largest bank in Turkey in terms of assets (excluding market re-evaluation of subsidiaries). All customer files, Credit Card Application Forms, Akbank Smart Card ( AXESS ), and different credit applications are being processed with AFPS Pro ICR / OCR software and the scanning process done by Kodak 35xx's.
Kuveyt Türk, içerik yönetimi konusunda Aksis'i seçmiştir. Aksis tarafından kısa bir sürede hayata geçirilen projede kurumsal ve bireysel müşteri imza kartonları Kodak tarayıcılarla taranarak imzaların içerik yönetimi çözümünde arşivlenmesi sağlanmıştır.
Aksis çözümü sayesinde sisteme aktarılan dokümanlar süreç sonunda arşivlenebilmekte, gerektiğinde yeniden kullanılabilmekte, dokümanların her bir versiyonu ayrı ayrı takip edilebilmekte ve farklı lokasyonlardan hızlı bir erişime imkan sağlamaktadır.
Bu projede ITYX’in yapay zeka teknolojisi kullanılarak çoklu kanaldan gelen 20 milyona yakın dokümandan veri çıkarılmakta ve bu dokümanlar sınıflandırılmakta.
With ITYX project,artificial intelligence is used for the first time for data extraction and document classification in Turkey
We have successfully completed account opening application.TEB will also use ITYX for,Money Transfer,Foreclosure,Research Documents and Cheque Processing.
E-Archive covers Koc Holding and its 103 Holding Companies. Koc Holding is the biggest industry group in Turkey.
All related images and the text data directly go to the Knowledge Management system and indexed automatically. The system is web based and available for full text search in Turkish. All the user in the morning, know what is on the press and read the latest news according to their search criteria. They can make strategic decisions about the market with following the competitor's activities in the market. And also, the system gives them to prepare their collections of news, photos, specific of their interest. The system is on line any time for the users with their user name and password.
The invoices from suppliers are automatically digitized and transferred to the ERP system by using the IBM Datacap product.
Tofaş decided to improve it's document management system and chose IBM FileNet P8 solution and its module IBM FileNet BPM (Case Foundation) solution. Aksis has implemented project successfuly with customised user interfaces.
Tofaş decided to realise less complicated but most needed projects first to speed up the ROI. One of the first project was to archieve the paint content at the manufacturing department. The second project targeted to support and improve investment decision process
Another project was to establish project feasibility system. Project feasibility reports are digitalised and integrated to electronic budgeting system.
All of the FileNet P8 modules are used for this project. The platform gathers all distributed information and enables users to access information at a single point.
Turkcell (NYSE: TKC; ISE: TCELL) is the leading GSM operator in Turkey with 35.2 million customers as of February, 2012. Turkcell also provides GSM services internationally through its affi liates in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and also Moldova (through its ownership of 41.45 % shares in Fintur). In addition, Turkcell has operations in Ukraine under the brand name "life:)". Established in February 2005, life:) was offering hundreds of new services to 8.5 million subscribers by February, 2012. Turkcell is one of the top ten GSM operators worldwide for international roaming with roaming a greements with 501 operators in 191 countries. It is the only NYSE listed company in Turkey.
With its growing customer base and range of services, Turkcell needed to ensure that customer transaction documents were kept secure and auditable, to cut document retrieval times, speed up document distribution and to ultimately increase customer responsiveness.
Avea is one of three GSM operator in Turkey.It supplies GSM services to its 12 million customers.
In 2006, Avea selected FileNet which was distributed by Aksis, aim to archive all customers’ second copies of invoices as per Turkish Ministry of Finance's published criterias. Customer Care Department in Avea started to archive all application forms and documents ( faxes and emails) in IBM FileNet.
In addition to that, Avea integrated FileNet with MNP and E-Invoice systems with Aksis’s consultancy rapidly.As result of fully integrated systems,Avea manages all operations and processes effectively.
Aksis A.S. was completed many projects using IBM FileNet ECM in Avea.Project names was listed below correspondingly.
Driving digital transformations to help clients cut costs, boost efficiency and improve compliance To help clients reap the benefits of digital content without sacrificing large amounts of time and resources, Turkcell Global Bilgi launched new document management services, supported by IBM® Datacap software, in 2015. The result: clients cut costs, boost efficiency and improve regulatory compliance, while Turkcell Global Bilgi gains a new revenue stream.
Sabah is one of the leader newspapers in Turkey. Zetafax manages all the incoming and outgoing faxes. The system works with SMTP mail server.
Milliyet is the 3rd biggest newspaper in Turkey. Digital Collections is utilized for on line sharing of the digital assets.
Mustafa Nevzat İlaç, SOP dokümanlarının güvenli bir ortamda saklanmasını, paylaşılmasını, iş yöntemlerine göre kontollü bir şekilde yönetilmesini ve bu işlemlerin kolay, hızlı ve güvenilir bir şekilde elektronik ortamda yapılabilmesini sağlayan ''SOP Yönetim Sistemi'' projesi için Aksis'in DYS çözümünü seçti.
Dünyanın 57 ülkesinde, 90.000 çalışanı ile tarımsal, gıda, finansal ve endüstriyel ürün ve hizmetlerin ticaretini yapan, işleyen ve dağıtan uluslararası bir şirket olan Cargill'in Nişasta ve Tatlandırıcılar Türkiye Grubu, içerik yönetimi konusunda Aksis'i tercih etmiştir.
Eczacıbaşı İlaç Sanayi, "Ambalaj Malzemeleri Standardizasyonu Projesi"'nde Aksis'in DYS çözümünü tercih etmiştir. Aksis tarafından tamamlanan bu proje kapsamında Ambalaj Malzemeleri Standardizasyonu sürecindeki standart kart bilgilerinin ve bu süreçteki tüm dokümanların takibinin elektronik ortamda yapılması sağlanmıştır.
Yapı Kredi Sigorta, doküman yönetim sistemi için Aksis' in temsilciliğini yürüttüğü eiStream (Eastman Software) yazılımını seçti. Yapı Kredi Sigorta'da Doküman Yönetim Sistemi Projesi'ni şirket geneline yayarak diğer belgelerini de arşivlemek ve iş akışları oluşturmak üzere çalışmalar Aksis tarafından tamamlandı.
The IBM DBA (Digital Business Automation) product family are using to tailor the Sompo Japan content management needs, document classification and data extraction processes with the integrated BPM.
Since 1998, the Turkish Finance Ministry is scanning all the tax forms into their system with 12 Kodak 5500 scanners in Istanbul and Ankara. All the management and the control of the tax forms are done on the system. The Kodak 5500 scanners have a daily volume of 12.000 pages. Form Processing of the Turkish characters are made by TIS AFS Pro system.
Since 1997, the forms filled all over in Turkey, was processed electronically in The Turkish Statistical Institute. The system includes 8 Kodak 9500D scanner, TIS AFPS Pro ICR/OCR software and storage units. The daily scanning capacity is over 200.000 forms. The project was awarded the best Imaging project at the Image Management Conference in Europe.
Koç Finance has chosen Aksis for implementing platform that enables its digital archieving processes and improved its speed of document management.